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On June 28, 2015, PROTECT partnered with the March of Dimes Puerto Rico chapter for the “March for Babies” in San Juan, Puerto Rico to raise awareness of preterm birth on the island. PROTECT Co-Director, Dr. José F. Cordero and Core C Director, Dr. Liza Anzalota led the team along with PROTECT team members, families and other partners to promote research and education programs that help premature babies lead healthy lives.

Alma Seda, Executive Director of the March of Dimes Puerto Rico chapter, was excited to announce that the goal to raise over half a million dollars to promote the March of Dimes mission in Puerto Rico has been reached! The money raised will support programs in local communities in Puerto Rico to help moms have healthy, full term pregnancies and educate mothers of preterm babies on the best care practices for their children. The PROTECT team looks forward to continuing this partnership working for such an important cause that is so closely aligned with our mission. For more information on preterm birth and March of Dimes visit

 PR 2015