PROTECT was pleased to participate in the NIEHS SRP and EPA’s Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN) webinar on August 24th, 2015 entitled “TCE, PCBs, and Phthalates – Exposure, Mechanisms of Disease, and Clean-Up Remedies.” Attended by 450 people, the webinar highlighted PROTECT’s investigation into environmental contamination and preterm birth in Puerto Rico. Dr. Akram Alshawabkeh (Co-Director and Project 5 Leader) introduced how PROTECT studies the transport, exposure, health impact, and remediation of contaminants. Dr. José Cordero (Co-Director and Core C Leader) showcased how Core C, and Projects 1, 2 and 3 are addressing the epidemiological and mechanistic relationship between environmental exposures and preterm birth. Dr. Ingrid Padilla (Project 4 Leader) presented the efforts of Projects 4 and 5 to measure the fate and transport of contaminants through Puerto Rico’s karst water system, and also novel green remediation technologies created by Project 5 to remove these contaminants from the water supply.
The University of Kentucky SRP also presented their work on how nutritional and behavioral factors may offer protection against polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) toxicity and their nanotechnological approach to the development of new sustainable remediation techniques.

To download the slides and audio of the presentation, click here.

To view previous CLU-Ins by PROTECT and other SRPs, click here.