In late October, New Solutions, a journal known for its focus on Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, published a special issue on “Social Science-Environmental Health Collaborations.” Professor and PROTECT researcher Dr. Phil Brown and Silent Spring Institute Executive Director Dr. Julia Brody served as guest editors of this November installment which explores collaborations between environmental health scientists, social scientists, and community organizations. The compilation also highlights scientific collaboration made possible through the funding of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).

According to Dr. Brown and Dr. Brody, The New Solutions compilation was created based on interactions that took place at an NIEHS-sponsored conference held in May of 2015 at Northeastern University.

Featured in the issue is a publication which discusses social science-environmental health collaboration that has taken place through the PROTECT Center. The piece specifically focuses on work completed in Puerto Rico’s northern karst region and is co-authored by PROTECT researchers Carmen Vega, Phil Brown, Colleen Murphy, Abigail Figueroa, José Cordero, and Akram Alshawabkeh.

The Partnerships for Environmental Public Health (PEPH) discussed a portion of the issue in detail for their November Newsletter.

The full “Social Science-Environmental Health Collaborations” issue of New Solutions journal can be accessed at their website.