PROTECT Training Core Leader Tom Sheahan appointed Senior Vice Provost for Curriculum and Programs at Northeastern University
On Monday, April 22nd it was announced that PROTECT Training Core Director Tom Sheahan is appointed Senior Vice Provost for Curriculum and Programs at Northeastern University, effective July 1, 2019. In his new role, Tom will oversee academic program development, governance and inter-college coordination, program assessment integration, and university-wide curricular initiatives. In addition, he will supervise academic units and programs under the Provost’s Office such as ROTC and Explorers.
During his time as Senior Associate Dean, COE has introduced more than 50 new curricular programs, many with other colleges. In addition to leading the PROTECT Data Core, Tom has led a number of innovative educational activities and has been the educational pathways lead on major international collaborative grants, including a current project on coastal sustainability adaptation. Not only accomplished in leadership; Tom is the author of over 90 publications, including a seminal textbook in his field.
Since PROTECT’s inception, Tom’s leadership of the Training Core has been exemplary. The PROTECT Training Core provides high quality interdisciplinary biomedical and environmental science training, education and mentoring experiences to ~ 40 diverse trainees annually at all institutions participating in the PROTECT program. Under Tom’s leadership, the Core has extended PROTECT training experiences to the greater SRP community and served as the coordination point for training activities with, and trainee participation in, the Community Engagement and Research Translation Cores. Further, the Core adopted conventional and non-conventional training, educational, and mentoring strategies for the development of technical and professional skills that are designed to motivate and prepare the trainees for successful careers, and created an interdisciplinary culture that complex problems demand.
Congratulations Tom. We are very proud of your success!