Project 5 Trainee Shayan Hojabri Receives Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award

May 5, 2020 | Project 4 (Green Remediation), PROTECT Team, PROTECT Trainees

Headshot of Shayan Hojabri

On Monday, April 27th PROTECT Project 5 Trainee Shayan Hojabri received the Northeastern University College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award for his tireless efforts as a Teaching Assistant for the Geotechnical Engineering Lab, to update materials, implement an electronic collaborative and data sharing platform, and develop and implement contingency plans for online teaching.

Shayan is a Civil Engineering PhD Student who has been working under the guidance of Project 5 Leader and Co-Director Akram Alshawabkeh since 2014. This award is given to a student from each of the departments, and Shayan represents the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Students are nominated by faculty members based on their strong leadership skills demonstrated during their time at Northeastern University. Shayan has also demonstrated his leadership skills within PROTECT by participating in event coordination and working closely with the Training Core.

“I am sincerely honored to be selected as a recipient of this award,” says Shayan. “I have been privileged in having the opportunity to serve as a teaching member of our educational community with such wonderful support from the department. This has been made possible with the continuous mentorship and encouragement of Professor Shillaber and Professor Alshawabkeh. Working with Northeastern’s bright and eager students has been very fulfilling, and has enriched my experience which I will draw and build upon in my future career.”

Congratulations, Shayan!